Nick Schirtzinger was in Scottsdale in the summer of 2008, enjoyed his time here and decided to come back to continue his commitment in refining his punting skills using my coaching technique with A Natural Style of Kicking and Punting. In the four days Nick was here working on fundamentals and drills he improved each day.

Derek had some issues with his place kicking. Several years ago Derek converted from a straight-on kicker to a soccer-style kicker and there is still some old muscle memory, perfect plant and foot to ball contact issues.
The video review made everything crystal clear for what Derek must do to improve his mechanics and consistency.
The last day Derek did some punting and showed some potential. We worked on punting through the ball rather than punting at it. He could feel the difference immediately.

The boys from West Virginia came to Arizona and had four days of excellent weather. It was between 60 and 70 degrees with sunny skies.
The two long time friends got to spend some quality time together doing what they like to do, kicking and punting footballs.
They both were a pleasure to work with and I know they will be back again.