My first client under Coach Zauner LLC Consulting Services was Mike Vanderjagt. The NFL's All Time Leader in field goal percentage.

2008 was a great year!
It was just about one year ago when I launched my consulting service and new website. I am both amazed and grateful at how successful my business has been.
Over this last year I have coached dozens of the best kicking specialists in the country (and from around the world actually) and have seen my website grow from just a 'concept' to where it is now getting tens of thousands of page views each month.
Additionally, when you consider I had never even heard of 'FaceBook' before this last year, it's great to now have over 2200 FaceBook friends! I'm looking forward to adding many more friends in 2009!
So, I want to take a moment to thank all of you who have visited my website and blog and have become my FaceBook friends. And I especially thank those of you who came to Arizona for One on One Lessons. It's been both rewarding and fun.
But, I'm not one to dwell much on what has already been accomplished as I am always looking forward to 'what's next'!
And there is a lot of 'what's next' in this upcoming year.
First of all, I've created 3-4 day special training packages for kicking specialists preparing for the 2009 NFL Combine and Draft. Last year, a number of players I worked with like Brett Kern, Garrett Hartley, Taylor Mehlhaff, Tyler Schmitt and others did get signed to the NFL. I'm hoping this year is as productive.
Also in the works are two kicking camps. The first is scheduled for April and will be an NFL free agent tryout camp (invite only). The second will be the River Falls Kicking Camp in River Falls, Wisconsin. This camp will be hosting high school kicking specialists and is currently scheduled for June 27 -29th, 2009.
More information and updates about these camps will become available in the near future.
I have also launched a few new consulting services to help kicking specialists develop their skills and techniques to their highest level.
The first is a 'video' consultation service which allows individuals to send me their video for review and then get a short 'consultation' on the phone.
The second is an 'on-field' 60 minute workout and evaluation in which specialists come to Arizona, go on the field for a workout and evaluation (with no video). This session focuses on a specialists skills, techniques and potential to reach the next level.
Interested specialists can find out more about these the newly posted fee sheet on my website.
Finally, those of you who read my blog will probably notice the entries are getting a bit 'shorter' these days. I want to point out this is not because I don't have a lot to say about the specialists I work with, but rather because I am doing SO much consulting these days that I have limited time to spend writing about the One on One Lessons on the blog.
However, all the kicking specialists who come out for One on One Lessons will still get 'blogged', it's just the entries will be more concise.
Just to note, the One on One video workouts posted to the website will be the same length they have always been so I hope you will continue to enjoy them.
So again, a warm thanks to all of you who have become part of my new 'consulting' world in 2008. I look forward to a wonderful and productive 2009 for us all.
Mitch Berger (Pittsburgh Steelers) ends the 2008 football season going to the AFC Championship game against the Baltimore Ravens this weekend in Pittsburgh. Mitch and I have a 14 year relationship as player, coach and friends. I helped train Mitch the last two seasons and helped get him to Pittsburgh when they needed a punter. Best of luck to Mitch this weekend.
Stay Tuned For More of Coach Zauner's Blog!