In the photo below Phil is working my Drop Progression and One Step Drill emphasizing placing the ball directly out in front of his punting leg. I like the ball placed directly out in front of the punting leg and suspended and dropped, so the punter swings his leg straight up and through the ball hitting a (SNO) spiral nose over punt.
I have proven to the punters with slow motion video that the ball will naturally spiral off your foot and you don't have to wipe the ball to create a spiral.
When Phil dropped the ball correctly and punted up and through the ball he started to hit the ball with better hang times and distance with less effort.
Phil boomed a couple of 4.8 to 4.9 hang time, power zone punts with excellent distance and his comment was "I hardly hit it".
In the photo below, you can see Phil driving straight up and through this punt and not falling backwards or off to the side.
After three days of punting Phil knows what he needs to do to get better. The most important thing he and all punters must show scouts or special teams coaches is Consistency.
Phil has all the coaching points from his three lessons on a DVD to take home and review. He needs to work hard on the non-punting as well as the punting drills. I believe in a couple of weeks the drills will help Phil to create a new muscle memory that will make him a more consistent punter.

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