'Coaching the Coaches' Clinics in Arizona. Why?
Because at all levels of football, high school, college or even the NFL, the only players that don't seem to get coached properly on their fundamentals, technique, mechanics or drills are the kicking specialists.
Because at all levels of football, high school, college or even the NFL, the only players that don't seem to get coached properly on their fundamentals, technique, mechanics or drills are the kicking specialists.

On every staff, college head coaches put someone in charge of the kickers for pre and post practice kicking practice. It could be a position coach or graduate assistant coach.
We all know the horror stories of a coach in charge of the kickers, telling a kicking specialist to do something and you know right away, it's a strong possibility the coach has absolutely no idea of what he is talking about.
And we all know that would probably not happen at any other position on your football team but it happens a lot to the kicking specialists.
I give credit to a couple of smart head coaches.
Last year Jim Tressel, Ohio State and Kyle Whittingham, University of Utah sent the coaches in charge of their kicking specialist to Fountain Hills, Arizona for a One on One Coaching Clinic to learn how to evaluate, video tape to analyze, learn fundamentals and drills to properly coach their kicking specialist and take their specialist to the next level.
If your a kicking specialist and would like to take your kicking game to the next level, you can come to Fountain Hills, Arizona for One on One Lessons.
The other option is if your a kicking specialist and feel you are not getting coached properly or would like your coach to coach you as good as all the other players are being coached on your team at other position.
Then suggest to your coach in charge of the kicking specialists or kicking game to click onto the link to my website: Click here to view: 'Coaching the Coaches'
Every year assistant football coaches at all levels look to get better coaching their players by going to conventions, seminars and clinics.
This is an opportunity for either your kicking coach or Special Teams Coach to receive some One on One Professional Improvement, tailored to his and your team needs in sunny Arizona.