Pat was with the New Orleans Saints as a free agent a couple of years ago. From first glance I could tell Pat has a lot of talent and potential. Pat has gone to several snapping coaches around the country trying to get better.
He asked me to evaluate and analyze his technique and refine his skills. Pat snapped and I watched and video taped his field goal and long snapping technique.
The video review and the slow motion video tape made everything crystal clear for Pat. He just needed to simplify his whole approach. So, I came up with a very simple progression for Pat to use which he can use for short and long snapping.
In the photo below Pat is snapping to Jon Peattie a free agent kicker and another client in town for One on One Kicking Lessons. Pat is working to snap 'Perfect' Laces on his field goal snaps.

Pat worked his new progression and was quickly becoming a more consistent snapper. He was a quick fix. Once he was snapping accurately we progressed to snapping and protection drills.
After two days of snapping Pat was very happy with the results. He left Scottsdale more confident with his snapping, especially knowing he is going to have a couple NFL tryouts in January.
Click below to listen to Pats Testimonial on working with Coach Zauner.

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