An excellent kicking game consists of both good kicking specialists and a good kicking strategy.
This third video explains how, in my coaching the Coaches clinics, I work with Special Teams and Kicking Coaches to create a well rounded approach to their kicking game.

It's my philosophy that how a Coach sees the 'big' picture is key in creating an effective kicking game strategy. So, this section starts with a conversation about your philosophy of the kicking game.
After we discuss your philosophy, we move on to a number of other topics that all have an impact on a Coaches success.
These include:
* Evaluating your kicking game protection.
* Evaluating your kicking game protection, coverage and return schemes.
* Developing your Kicking Game around Your Kicking Personnel.
* How to get the best out of your Assistant Coaches in the Kicking Game.
* Developing a progression for your kicking game practices.
* Discussing the important points in Scouting Kicking Talent and Scouting Your Opponent.
* Discussing the individual and team drills you use in practice.
* Instituting Individual, Half Line and Team Drills during pre and post practice.
* Reviewing Kicking Charts and Forms that I make available for clients.
* How Power Point Presentations can enhance the learning and coaching process.
* Reviewing my Innovative Power Point Presentations combined with my extensive video library for all phases of the kicking game, to showcase how cutting edge technology on the computer, can yield results on the field during a game.
I hope you will take a few minutes to watch this video to see if you think my One on One Coaching Clinics can help you take your kicking game to the next level.
If you have any questions please contact me at: gzauner@aol.com
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Visit: www.coachzauner.com