When I was the Special Teams Coach at Long Beach State for Legendary Hall of Fame Coach, George Allen, Sean Cheever's was my kicker in 1989 and 1990. Sean was an excellent kicker and had ice in his veins. He was money in the bank.

Both Felipe and Nico are fundamentally sound in their mechanics because, Coach Cheever's has done an outstanding job coaching them. He basically has taken what he learned as a kicker at Long Beach State and has now passed it on to his players as a Special Teams Coach at Moorpark J.C.. Both boys continue to work with Sean when they go back home to California.

Below Coach Cheever's holding for Nico.
Both boys are a lot further ahead than most kickers because Sean has done a nice job coaching them for the last several years.
As I watched them kick I made a couple of observations which I passed on to Sean. Both young men were very attentive and a pleasure to work with. They have done well in college and like everyone else its a matter of consistency making it to the next level.
Felipe who played was a very accurate kicker at Eastern Washington. He has a chance to be a good one.
Nico still has a couple of years at Washington State. Nico has a big leg! As I tell all the kickers. Show me accuracy and control kicking field goals and a big leg on kickoffs. Nico is young and has a lot of potential.
Coach Cheever's learned a couple of things to take back to California and coach the boys on. I must say it was a pleasure seeing Sean and it was very gratifying to see how he has progressed from a former player to a now successful coach.
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