In the beginning of the first lesson I just let Zack go through his warm up and snap routine. I watched and evaluated his technique and consistency.
Like many snappers and kicking specialists that come to Arizona to work with me, Zack also had a very quick warm up and almost no progression.
I believe kicking specialists are just like professional golfers. They should have a warm up routine and progression to give them the proper muscle memory. Zack seems to snap the ball with a couple of different deliveries. His biggest problems was not getting tight spirals.
We video taped all of Zack's snaps and did our video review after the first lesson. I showed Zack that he was snapping predominately with his right hand. The video showed in super slow motion that Zack's right hand was causing the ball to turn right before the release which was causing his snaps to wobble.

The second day I worked fundamental technique and several drills with Zack. The first thing we concentrated on was bring the football through his leg straight. The first day Zack was snapping too much with one hand and was turning the ball slightly causing a wobble.
As we continued the field goal snap drills we emphasized accuracy and snapping tempo. Zack started to hit perfect laces almost every time.
In the photo below we continued working a straight ball delivery in combination with my 'Elbows Thrust Drill'. Zack continued to improve on snapping a tighter spiral and with more speed.
Zack finished the day snapping to punter, Alex Groh. Alex is a Two Time All-American punter at Occidental College in California.
It was a real pleasure meeting and working with Zack and I wish him the best of luck this next year and in the future.

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