I first met Sean in February at this years NFL Combine. Sean was one of two long snappers that was scouted and ranked with a draftable grade for this years draft. Two snappers along with several other kicking specialists were brought to the combine for the NFL coaches to evaluate.
Sean was not drafted and like many specialists is looking for a shot either in the NFL or UFL. Sean's agent Gil Scott sent Brett Kern and Jon Ryan to me last season and both have landed with NFL teams .
After two days of working with Sean I believe he has the ability to be an NFL snapper, now all he needs is an opportunity. Like in life he just needs one team to fall in love with him and give him that chance.
During the two days of snapping lessons I worked my 'Elbow Thrust and Slide' and my snapping progression drills. Sean was a quick study and made some excellent progress.
The second day Sean was also very proficient during my 'Balls & Strikes' drill. He was striking out guys left and right. No bases on balls.
In the photo above Sean is trying to hit my hip at 10 yards with his warm up snaps. We progressed from 10, 12 and 15 yards. By the end of the second day Sean was a machine.
We continued working on snapping and vertical setting or kick stepping back off the ball. Sean like many college snappers was in a system where he snapped and took off in coverage. This is what separates most snappers from either making it or not making it. How consistent they snap when trying to block on rusher in their gap.
We finished each day working on field goal snapping. In the photo above I am explaining to Sean how to snap 'Perfect Laces'. By the end of the second day Sean hit 20 in a row. He was snapping with better tempo and rhythm.
Click below to listen to University of Michigan senior long snapper Sean Griffin's testimonial after working his One on One Snapping Lessons with Coach Zauner:
Visit: www.coachzauner.com
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