Rob Maver (left) Brad Nortman (right)
All the PRO's and College Counselors did an outstanding job working with the high school specialists.
I must say once again there was a lot of excellent teaching, video taping and video review for all the participants attending the camp. Every camper left camp with a before and after video series of his performance with an analysis by a PRO headliner.

Between sessions I spent time watching and working with all the headliners and college counselors. In the above photo I am working with my two Canadian friends Jon Ryan and Rob Maver. Both have 'big' punting legs!
In the above photo (left to right) Brad Nortman (University of Wisconsin), Coach Zauner, Jon Ryan (Seattle Seahawks) and Russell Gliadon (St. John's University) kneeling.
Click below to hear Coach Pearce's testimonial about his evaluation of the River Falls Kicking Camp. Coach Pearce is a High School Coach at Hutchinson High School in Minnesota.
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