T.J. came here to refine his snapping technique and also to gather my opinion of his NFL potential. He wants to be the best he can be for his Pro Day.

In the photo (above) we worked on his stance and alignment. As with all snappers some times their stance and alignment can cause an inconsistency with their accuracy. T.J was a quick fix!
After working on his stance we worked on his follow through with the 'Elbow Thrust Drill'. He really worked at getting his hands through the snap and focusing on his finish.
During T.J.'s One on One Lessons we went through all phases of his snapping game. Stance, vertical sets, blocking and coverage technique. We also focused hard on his ability to snap 'Perfect Laces' on his field goals. He mastered that technique in two days.
My job is to evaluate and see what inconsistencies kickers, punters or snappers have in their technique and find a way to correct or refine their skills. T.J. has the potential to be an NFL snapper. The road to the NFL will be Consistency like with all specialists.
Click here to listen to T.J. O'Leary's testimonial about One on One Lessons with Coach Zauner.