As you can see in the picture (above) I noticed that Seth was having some trouble with his 'Perfect Plant' which was effecting his foot position on the ball. I showed him my 'One Step Drill' and we worked on getting his foot a little further from the ball so he would make better contact on the ball. He was wrapping his foot around the ball and hooking or drawing too many of kicks to his left.
By the end of the first day we had made a couple of adjustments on the field and Seth was starting to kick much better.
The video review session after Seth's first lesson was very helpful. The things I pointed out on the field became crystal clear to Seth after he viewed himself on tape in slow motion and stop action.
The second day I came up with a progression of drills to help Seth emphasize a couple of key fundamentals.
At the end of the second day he was kicking the ball much better and he seemed to be quite pleased with his kicking. Seth now knows what he needs to do to take his game to the next level.
It was pleasure meeting and working with Seth Burkholder and I want to wish him the best of luck in his kicking future!

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