On Sunday, Monday and Tuesday
Sean Zeller and his family drove from Michigan to Milwaukee, Wisconsin in their motor home for Sean to have some
One on One Kicking Lessons. Sean is a sophomore at Montague High School. 
Sean's father Randy called me a couple of months ago and asked if I would work with his son on some of the basic fundamentals of soccer style kicking. And 'work' on the basic fundamentals we did.

In the photo above you can see Sean in the first
lesson kicking some field goals. Sean approached the ball from a soccer style approach but kicked the ball with his toe like a straight-on kicker.

During the three lessons we worked some basic fundamental drills. For any kicker to have success and also for Sean we needed a consistent approach, a 'Perfect' plant and consistent foot to ball contact. We also stressed finding his 'Perfect' triangle and lining up his kicks with a target line.

Each day Sean got better. The video review sessions really helped for him to see what he was doing right and what he was doing wrong. At the end of his third lesson he was kicking a lot more balls with an end over end rotation.
Sean has a passion for
kicking and now knows exactly what he must do to get better. He has the basic fundamentals and drills. Now he needs to go home and practice, practice and more practice. That is the key to every kicker's success.
It was a pleasure working and meeting Sean and father Randy. I wish Sean the best of luck this upcoming season.
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