John Gold with his father Dan
John punted and I watched, analyzed and took mental notes. I asked John a lot of questions and got some excellent answers. We video taped his punts and drills and reviewed them. I analyzed John's technique and noticed a couple of minor flaws. I suggested a couple of drills and John was eager to try them.
I introduced John to my Drop Progression, One Step and Catch and One Step Drills. John was a quick study and improved quickly. We moved from punting on the field to the press box to review the video.
The set up for teaching and learning at the Milwaukee Lutheran College field was excellent. Moving from the field to the press box and analyzing video and back to the field not only benefited me but all my kicking specialists. I felt like I was back home in Scottsdale, Arizona.
I believe John and his father were very happy with the results of the One on One Punting Lessons.
It was a pleasure working and meeting John and his family and I wish John the best of luck this upcoming season with the Texas Longhorns...Hook'em Horns.
John Gold (Univesity of Texas) and Coach Zauner
Stuart has gone to one kicking camp several years ago but has pretty much been a self taught punter through the years. He felt that to make it to the next level he needed some refinement and decided to come to Milwaukee and spend time working with me.
Stuart is a big guy with pretty good form. However just like most kicking specialists there is always room for improvement or refinement.
After reviewing some video we went back on the field to work my Drop Progression, One Step and various other Drills. Stuart was also a quick study and hit some excellent power zone punts during each drill.
Click below to listen to Stuarts Kenworthy's testimonial on working with Coach Zauner.
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