Mark is ranked by the NFL Scouting Services as one of the best snappers coming out of college for this years NFL draft.
I first saw Mark practicing at the 2009 Senior Bowl in Mobile, Alabama. The day I saw Mark he was a little inconsistent. We talked after practice and I mentioned a couple of things to him. He and his agent decided to send Mark out to Scottsdale for some One on One Lessons.
During the first session we videotaped his technique from all angles and had an excellent video review. I noted that Mark had a couple of flaws in his technique and I addressed how we could fix them.
The second session we worked on a routine and drills that would help Mark refine his technique and make him more consistent and accurate. He was a quick fix.
In the photo above Mark is working my Elbow Thrust and Hands Drill.
In this photo Mark is working a Snap & Vertical Set Drill.
Next, we progressed to Snap, Protect and Coverage Drill.
During our field goal session we worked on the 'Perfect Laces Drill'. Once we figured out Mark's distance he was a machine. He hit 25 perfect laces in a row.
Mark was here training and trying to be the best he can be. He is here refining his skills to prepare for his Pro Day in March.
Mark was good and now is better. I saw some kicking specialists at the NFL Combine last week that think they are good but are not fundamentally sound.
The difference in making it to the NFL is not potential but performance. Some players just don't understand the level they need to perform at to make it in the NFL. Everyone needs to aspire to their highest level and do whatever it takes to get there.
Click below to listen to University of Pittsburgh's Mark Estermyer's testimonial on working a two day One on One Snapping Lesson with Coach Zauner.