Emphasizing ‘A Natural Style of Kicking and Punting’®, Coach Zauner’s teaching philosophy facilitates an environment where kicking specialists develop the skills, technique, and confidence to achieve their maximum physical and mental potential. At an amateur and professional level, Coach Zauner, LLC programs and events provide a kicker, punter or snapper ‘A Specialist’s Path to PRO Football'®...Coach Zauner, LLC Mission Statement

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Russell Warrington's Lessons

On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Russell Warrington was in Scottsdale, Arizona for three days of some One on One Punting Lessons. Russell is 29 years old and has aspirations of being an NFL punter.
He is driven to succeed and continually got better during our three day One on One Punting Lessons.

Russell at about 6'3 and 210 pounds, has the ideal body for a punter.

However, like most punters Russell needed a lot of work on fundamentals. I introduced my Drop Progression and One Step Drill. Russell worked hard on and off the field and improved.

Russell told me he had never been coached. He came to to me with some bad habits and he was bound and determined to work hard to get fundamentally sound. In the photo below we are working a none punting drill to emphasize leg extension a follow through.

By the end of the three day One on One Punting Lesson Russell was hitting more (SNO) spiral nose over punts to the power zone.

Click to listen to Russell Warrington's Testimonial on working with Coach Zauner:

Russell has now learned some drills to emphasize the fundamentals he needs to work on to get to the next level. My interest is to teach everyone coming here the proper fundamentals, drills, technique and training methods to get better.

I also try to educate them. that the road to the NFL is not an easy road. Hard work, dedication and fundamentals is the key to every one's success. Russell has all those qualities.

NFL Special Teams Coaches and Scouts have standards of performance. How Far, How High and How Accurate... that's the bottom line.

Russell now knows what he needs to do to improve and what numbers he needs to achieve to have a chance to get into an NFL training camp.

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