On Saturday and Sunday I was working the River Falls Kicking Camp in River Falls, Wisconsin. Head Football Coach John O'Grady, at River Falls informs me this was my 33rd year working the camp. "Boy, how time flies!"
At camp this year we had about 50 High School Kickers, Punters and Snappers in attendance. The numbers were a little down from previous years due to the fact of the economy and also, both the University of Wisconsin and Minnesota were holding Football Camps at their respective locations the same week.
The River Falls Kicking Camp was the original Kickers Camp in the United States many, many years ago. Mike Farley originated the kickers camp idea about 37 years ago. Don't hold me to that exact date but it was a long time ago. Coach Farley started this camp way before Ray Pelfry started his camp. Now, Louie Aguair, Paul Assad, Jammie Kohl, Chris Sailor and a bunch of others all have kicking camps around the country.
I believe the River Falls Camp is still the best teaching camp in the country.
Basically, I am the featured instructor who does all the classroom and on the field teaching. Here Coach Zauner explains while Garret Palmer demonstrates the technique on kickoffs.

Below, you see former University of Wisconsin and current Baltimore Ravens Long Snapper, Matt Katula assisting one of the snappers in camp with his stance and mechanics.

Coach Zauner and Derrick Frost, former University of Northern Iowa and current Washington Redskins Punter works with a young punter on his fundamentals.

Steve Hauschka former North Carolina State and current Minnesota Viking Rookie Kicker gives a demonstrates to a small group of kickers.

This years line up of
Pros did an outstanding job of working with the campers. At the end of camp the
Pros answered questions from campers about training, scholarships, academics and philosophy. (Photo below left to Right:
Shane Phillips Australian Punter,
Steve Hauschka Vikings Rookie Kicker,
Garrett Palmer former San Diego State and Free Agent Kicker and
Derrick Frost Washington Redskins Punter answer questions from campers.)

Also, at our camp in River Falls we have instruction for Straight-on Kickers. Here you see
Coach Pat McFaul working with the Straight-on Kicking group or the 'Toe
Bashers' as the group likes to be called.

Coach Zauner's Perfect Golf Match record is still in tact!

Once again Coach Zauner must gloat about winning money from both Derrick and Matt during golf matches on Friday and Saturday. These two Pro Athlete out drove me by 50 to 80 yards off the tee box, however, the name of the game in golf is chipping and putting! Drive for show and putt for dough $$$$.

The River Falls Kickering Camp was a success again this year. The three Pros did an excellent job teaching and demonstrating their skills, drills, and techniques to the campers. I saw a lot of improvement by campers from practice #1 through practice #5.
I believe the reasons the campers improve so much is 1) the teaching progression we use, 2) the emphasis on specific fundamental drills 3) the video taping and evaluation of each camper.
At the River Falls Kicking Camp, we videotaped each kicker, punter and snapper on at least three kicks and then analyze his technique in the classroom. I personally analyze each camper and point out flaws in his punting or kicking form and suggest drills to improve his technique.
Matt Katula and Coach McFaul did the same video evaluations with the snappers and the straight-on kickers.

Shane Phillips pictured below, my Australian Punter did a excellent job demonstrating some punting drills and also taking these photos during the camp and videotaping a lot of the campers.

Next year the River Falls Kicking Camp will be renamed Coach Zauner's Kicking Camp at River Falls. I hope to go nation wide and make the camp bigger and better than ever.
So, if your a college kicker, punter or snapper and would like to be a part of the camp next year as a participant or counselor contact me at my email address: gzauner@aol.com. That way I can email you dates and information when they become available.
Testimonial by Parent of Camper:
Short Video Clip of Camp Activities:
Stay tuned for more of Coach Zauner's Blog!