Coach Zauner's feeling of accomplishment is no longer associated with wins and loses like it was as a Special Teams Coordinator for 11 years in College and 13 in the NFL. Now as a kicking coach consultant my success is measured by how many young specialists I help get a chance to make it to an NFL, CFL or UFL roster:
In 2010 Coach Zauner, LLC marketed the slogans 'A Specialist's Path To PRO Football' and 'Opportunity For One on One Training' Program.
This season's success was (5) kicking specialists made NFL rosters (3) specialists make CFL rosters and (13) of 15 specialists make opening day rosters on UFL rosters. Two specialists have success with the 'Opportunity For One on One Training' Program.
However success is not only measured by Coach Zauner alone...
With reviewing the end of yet another year , and the end of the third year for Coach Zauner, LLC.
It would have been hard to imagine three years ago that my consulting business could have come so far in such a short period of time. But it has.
I recall those early days in the first few months of the business -just three short years ago- wondering why the phone wasn’t ringing ‘off the hook’, and why kicking specialists weren’t ‘beating down the door’ to have me coach them.
And now that I look back, I see that is just part of the uncertainty one feels when starting a new venture. It seems there is always a bit of angst that goes along with the vision and the dream. And looking back, I can appreciate and value those feelings. In a sense, they’re what makes you feel alive (as I’m sure many of those kicking specialists pursuing their ‘new’ dream will understand).
However the phone ringing is no longer an issue. It rings quite a bit now, thank you!
And I do mean it when I say thank you for calling. It is the clients who keep us in business.
And I expect the phone is going to keep on ringing into the New Year. And we are grateful for that.
But the thing I am most grateful for, is the person who has stood by me during this last three years while I have been building my business, and that is my wife Michelle. There is no question that without her help and support, my dream and vision would have been just that, a dream and a vision.
Starting a ‘coaching’ business was -and is- my dream; not Michelle’s. There is nothing else in the world I would rather be doing that making a living as a coach. This was true when I was a high school and college coach; it was true when I was an NFL Special Teams Coach; and it is true now that I am a kicking consultant / coach.
It is what I am meant to do.
However, being the key support for a Football Kicking Coach is not necessarily what Michelle would say was what she was ‘meant’ to do in life. She has quite a few interests in life other than my work, including being a VERY good golfer.
However, she unselfishly takes time away from her world to make sure I can be in mine. And she handles all the business aspects of Coach Zauner, LLC so I can pay complete attention to my coaching and my clients. And I am not exaggerating when I say she handles ALL the business aspects of Coach Zauner, LLC. She does.
And that is exactly what she will be doing as we move into the New Year; she will be supporting my dream and vision, and allow me to focus completely on my coaching and my clients. And I want to thank her for that.
Especially since I believe it is going to be yet another extremely busy year for our business, especially in the first few months of the year.
In January there will be a PRO Development Camp which focuses on college kickers. The goal is to make it a ‘tune-up’ of sorts for the College Senior Specialist’s Combine which will be in February.
Following that, of course, will be the Free Agent Specialist’s Combine which will be held at the end of March. I’m looking forward to another great year, with a solid showing of both NFL, CFL and UFL teams, and again having some of the best kicking specialists in the country show these team representatives what the best look like.
After the Combines, there will be more PRO Development Camps –both in Arizona and in the mid-west- and of course all during this time I will be doing One on One Kicking, Punting and Snappings Lessons with individuals who are looking to improve their technique and performance.
Also in the wind (so I am told) is a Coach Zauner book on kicking, punting and snapping.
I’ve always wanted to publish a book on kicking. And now, with all the new technology that is available, the idea of publishing a book with audio, and video and other interactive elements in it intrigues me.
I am exhausted just thinking about all the possibilities for next year!!!
Which again is why I think it is so important for me, at the end of a very successful year and the beginning of what I hope will be another successful year, to take this moment to thank my wife Michelle, for all she has done, and does every day, that allows me to live my dream.
A person couldn’t ask for more in a partner.
So thanks Michelle. I couldn’t do this without you.
2010 Highlights Begin With;
'Opportunity For One on One Training' Program: Fabrizio Scaccia

Washington Post's writer Michael Leahy comes to Arizona to observe Coach Zauner's One on One Training. Click To Read Article; 'Kicked around: Inside footballs loneliest position'.