You can tell it’s the Holiday Season. Everyone is bustling about looking for the best shopping deals and trying to decide where they’re going to spend their holiday money.
It’s also the time when people all around the world send their holiday cheer to people they really care about.
With that in mind, I thought I would share this very interesting anonymous e-mail I recently received. Although it’s not filled with the spirit of ‘joy’, it does ‘repeatedly’ talk about gifts and giving.
It’s apparent the person who wrote this e-mail was angry when they wrote it. And that’s really unfortunate. But the really sad part is, I would have loved to have talked to this specialist about the issue he had with my pricing. And I would have wanted to talk with him not only because I try to be sensitive to the needs of kicking specialists, but also because he said he is someone I have worked with.
In all the years I have been coaching, I have never received an e-mail like this. So I have to say I was honestly surprised when I received it. I pride myself on my ‘open-door’ (ok…make that open phone) policy. And anyone who knows me knows that to be true.
So it’s unfortunate this kicking specialist decided to cloak his comments -and his anger- in anonymity. Because by doing that, he took from me any opportunity I might have to discuss his concerns with him.
If I had been able to talk with him (or perhaps if he is reading this) I would have told him I understand the price of my One on One lessons may be out of reach for him - and for other kicking specialists. However, I would have also told him that is exactly the reason I created my PRO Development Camps and the Coach Zauner 'Opportunity For Training Program'.
I created both of these programs with the intention of being able to work with kicking specialists who could not afford private lessons. And this is especially true for the Coach Zauner Opportunity For Training Program.
This Program is built around the concept of helping kickers who have a financial need. It is a program where I ‘invest’ my time (and in some cases a great deal of time) in kicking specialists who would not otherwise be able to pursue their dreams of playing professional football.
And today, some of the specialists in the Coach Zauner Opportunity Training Program are already, after a very short period of time, living their dream of playing professional football. And I think that’s pretty great.
In my PRO Development Camps, a kicking specialist is able to spend three (3) days, four (4) sessions in a small group environment (approximately 20 specialists), receiving instruction from me on fundamentals and drills to take thieir game to the next level. These camps are designed specifically for specialists who cannot afford two (2) days of One on One training.
However, I was not given the opportunity to discuss these things with whoever sent the anonymous e-mail. So I didn’t have the chance to tell him about all of the ways I am making myself available to kicking specialist who cannot afford my One on One lessons.
But hopefully he’ll somehow stumble upon this blog, or perhaps someone will point it out to him.
But most importantly, I hope this specialist -if he is passionate about playing professional football- will find someone who can help him on his journey to fulfill his dream.
And with regards to his suggestion on how I should use my gift? Well, if he’d call me, I‘d be happy to share with him the names of many of the kicking specialists who believe I am already using it wisely.
P.S. In trying to contact this anonymous individual, the e-mail I sent was returned saying it was undeliverable. Perhaps this was because he realized what he said was disrespectful, vulgar, untrue and truly not in the spirit of the holidays! And because he realized this was the case, he closed his e-mail account out of shame.
Or, perhaps he closed his account because he used my name in his e-mail address (zaunerkick@yahoo.com) and realized there could be possible legal consequences if he posted this kind of message on a public forum.
I’m not sure which is the case, but either way it was smart of him to close it down.
This is a anonymous email for coach zauner....
I have worked with you before to help me get better to play at the next level. I thought your prices were a little high but I wanted to take my chances on getting better. I recently looked at your prices now and I cannot believe that you have raised your prices.
I know you make a insane amount of money already doing what you do, but to raise your prices even more is just B¬¬****HIT! this makes its okay for current NFL players to pay and afford, but it makes young athletes struggle to find $1200 for just two workouts. ARE YOU F***ING KIDDING!?
Why dont you use your gift as a teacher, coach, consultant and enjoy what you do instead of stealing money from those who want to succeed. I will never come work with you if your prices will remain the way they are and I will damn sure recommend people to stay away from you.
There are cheaper ways of getting better and being noticed.
HAVE FUN WITH YOUR GIFT INSTEAD OF TAKING ADVANTAGE OF IT!!! Wouldnt you want more clients to come and become successful and become regulars to your work?? You are scaring people away and they are going else where. You are one of the most popular consultants out there and you are also known as the most expensive one possible.
I dont know what your reason was for raising your prices but it is complete b****hit and shady of you to do to the athletes who WANT to come work with you. Make things easier and make yourself busier and respected by young athletes.
Just letting you know from my own and others opinion. I am not the only one who is having a problem with this. I have had multiple calls from other players I have met who have thought about working with you.