On Tuesday and Wednesday of this week,
Dan Power a Free Agent
Punter from Australia was in Scottsdale, Arizona for a
One on One Punting Lesson.
Dan was born and raised in Brisbane, Australia and grew up playing Rugby. He has played professional rugby in Australia, France and the United States. Dan has recently retired from rugby and would love to be a punter in the NFL just like fellow country men,
Darrin Bennett,
Mat McBriar,
Sav Rocca and
Ben Graham.Dan is about 6'3 and 225 pounds and a good looking athlete. Dan mentioned he has had a couple of informal workouts with the New York Jets and Miami Dolphins. He would like to get more workouts but now understands after attending my March 27, 2010
Free Agent Specialists Combine he needs to get fundamentally sound and more consistent. He came to learn my Power Zone Punting Technique and take his game to the next level.

During the first
One on One Punting Lesson I quickly noticed (above photo) that Dan was pushing the ball outside his hip when he was trying to drop the ball to his foot. Several of his punts either went spiral nose over and carried to an extended power zone or he made poor foot to ball contact and sprayed the ball to various part of the field.
I also noticed that when the big guy made the correct contact of the foot to the ball he hit some pretty big punts. Like most punters Dan needs to learn how to be more consistent. My job in two lessons was to make him more consistent. Good fundamentals and the proper drills will be the key to Dan's success.

Dan a good looking athlete and like many Australians is a self taught punter. He has never had any formal instruction or training. Matter of fact he said he has never really seen himself on video tape.
My thought was how can anyone get better unless you see yourself on tape and make the proper adjustments to correct your mistakes. Of course you first have to be educated on what is the proper form and technique.
Dan being a former professional rugby player knows how to be a professional. For two days Dan was like a sponge absorbing as much information as possible. Actually he came to the first lesson with a notebook and pen. I asked him what is that notebook for? He replied, "To take notes". I told him that he would get a copy of the DVD and all the teaching points and he thought that was pretty neat.
After the first lesson we had an excellent video review and I pointed out Dan's flaws. On the video in slow motion and stop action the mistakes became crystal clear. I showed him video's of several NFL punters I have trained. I showed him the Drop Progression, One Step and Catch and One Step Drills.
The second day Dan was a quick study. He had practice all the drills I showed him Wednesday night back at the hotel and came prepared for the second lesson.
He was now placing the ball directly in front of his leg and
punting up and through the ball. He was turning over punt after punt to the Power Zone. He was actually making it look pretty easy.
At the end of his One on One Lessons, Dan was very happy and excited that he had traveled to Arizona to learn and improve. He felt he was now punting more consistently and with less effort. I think we both felt the same, 'Mission Accomplished'!
Click below to listen to Dan Power's testimonial after working a One on One Punting Lesson with Coach Zauner.
It was a pleasure working with Dan. He is a true professional. I wish him the best of luck in his pursuit of being an
NFL Punter. I told him that making it to the NFL is no easy task but he now is on a better path.
Coach Zauner's One on One Lessons and PRO Development Camps:
'A Path to the NFL'

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