Day 2 of the 2010 NFL Draft -Rounds 2 and 3- No kicking specialists will or should be taken.
Saturday's Action:
Day 3 of the 2010 NFL Draft -Rounds 4 through 7 - Possibility of a limited number of kicking specialists to be Drafted.
As I watched the 2010 NFL Draft on Friday, I noticed that ESPN Draft Coverage lists the best available players at each position on the right side of the TV screen.
Mel Keipers Best Available Picks for Kickers:
1) Brett Swenson - Michigan State University
2) Hunter Lawrence - University of Texas
3) Aaron Pettrey - Ohio State
The three players listed above are big name kicking specialists from big named Universities.
Everyone is entitled to their options. However I believe the best available kicker in this years draft is a young man by the name of Garrett Lindholm from a very small school Tarleton State University in the Big State of TEXAS.
This year I held my first Annual College Senior Specialists Combine February 20-21, 2010 in Phoenix, Arizona. Sixty-Three (63) kicking specialists came to showcase their skills; click to view Combine.

This was the first opportunity for me to see Garrett Lindholm and many other excellent kicking specialists from all around the country demonstrate their abilities up close and in a competitive environment.
The next week I attended the NFL Combine in Indy and observed several other top rated kicking specialists.
Between my College Senior Specialists Combine, the NFL Combine and several other Bowl Games I had an opportunity to see and evaluate the best of the best kicking specialists coming out in this years NFL Draft.
The reason I believe Garrett Lindholm is the Best Kicker in this years draft is I had an opportunity to also coach him in a One on One Kicking Lesson a couple of weeks after my College Senior Specialist Combine.
At my College Senior Specialists Combine I do not try to coach any of the specialists because they come to this event because they feel they have NFL potential and they come and compete. I could see many of the specialists had potential but some lacked fundamentals or consistency.
Two weeks after my combine during Garrett's One on One Kicking Lesson I saw a young man who had power and explosion in his leg but lacked consistency get much better in just a lesson.
The thing that impressed me most about Garrett was he was very coachable. As we worked he was a quick study and caught on fast.
Now, maybe some of the other players mentioned above and others around the country have also improved but it is my opinion that Garrett Lindholm is the Best Kicker in this years Draft and will be an excellent NFL kicker immediately.
This is not only my opinion but I have also received calls and talked to many NFL Coaches and Scouts that were at a couple of Garrett's workouts and PRO Day and they have also echoed my comments. As a matter of fact, two NFL scouts questioned 'why' Garrett was not invited to the NFL Combine.

Click to view Garrett Lindholm's College Senior Combine kicking workout.
Click below to view a short clip of Coach Zauner's One on One Lesson with Tarleton State Kicker, Garrett Lindholm.
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