Coach Zauner, LLC has known for awhile that we had a need for a logo. I have been very busy with Kicking, Punting and Snapping Lessons, in addition to planning and preparing for my two Combines. On February 20 - 21, I will go to the field for my College Senior Specialists Combine for draft eligible kicking specialists and March 27 - 28, 2010 is my Second Annual Free Agent Specialists Combine. In addition, I have been working on dates, sites and schedules for our summer High School, College and Pro Development Camps in April, May, June and July 2010. During the last few months I put my Head Coach, my wife in charge along with Coach Zauner's , LLC Business Consultant and Website Designer, Craig Kasnoff. After months of research and design study they have completed their task. We have the high expectation that our Coach Zauner shield branding will become as recognizable at the Nike 'swoosh'...

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