The four players in Scottsdale, Arizona were kickers Britt Baumann (University of Minnesota - Duluth), Derek Doerfler (Baker University), snapper Zack Abrams (Northeastern University), and punter Breck Ackley (Southern University).
All players received their own individual One on One time and as a bonus also received extra time as they serviced the next player.
Above photo, Zack Abrams is working a snapping technique drill while Breck Ackley is working a punting drill for catching, molding and dropping the ball.
After Derek Doerfler worked on his individual kicking technique, Zack snapped and Breck held while Derek worked on his timing and technique with a snap and hold.
Once again after Britt Baumann got his individual kicking technique work in he had an opportunity to work with a snap and hold. As Britt and Derek alternated kicks working on their tempo and technique the other used a stop watch to time the get-offs.
For two days Breck got in some excellent work refining his holding technique. Next Breck had his own One on One time working on his individual punting technique. Once he was finished working his drop progression and one step drill Zack came over and snapped so he could work on his timing catch, molding and punting the ball.
All four of these kicking specialists are working hard to refine their skills and technique to take their games to the next level. Everyone got better this weekend and had fun doing it.
It was a real pleasure once again working with Breck, Britt, Derek and Zack. I wish them all the best of luck getting ready for either my College Senior Specialists Combine or Free Agent Specialists Combine.
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Kicking Lessons