Emphasizing ‘A Natural Style of Kicking and Punting’®, Coach Zauner’s teaching philosophy facilitates an environment where kicking specialists develop the skills, technique, and confidence to achieve their maximum physical and mental potential. At an amateur and professional level, Coach Zauner, LLC programs and events provide a kicker, punter or snapper ‘A Specialist’s Path to PRO Football'®...Coach Zauner, LLC Mission Statement

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Drew Butler 'Ray Guy' Award

Good new travels fast, even when your in Melbourne, Australia. Today I received great news on two 'punting' fronts.

First, Sports Illustrated informed me the feature 'Punting' article that I was interviewed a few months ago for, was going to publication and would be on the news stands next week.

From what I understand, the article, written by John Ed Bradley is going to be the first 'full length feature' article on Punting that Sports Illustrated has done in over 30 years.

It will be great to see 'punting' back in the spotlight of one of the most popular sports magazines in the world.

Soon after I received the news about the Sports Illustrated article, my wife informed me that University of Georgia sophomore punter, Drew Butler had just won the 2009 Ray Guy Award.

This Spring Drew came to Scottsdale, Arizona for some One on One Punting Lessons. Then in late June, he came to work out with me at my PRO Development Camp in St. Paul, MN.

Drew Butler Punts while father Kevin watches

At his One on One Lessons I told Drew that if he kept working his drills, then without question he had the talent to 'play on Sundays'.

He looked at me and said, "Do you really think I have that kind of talent?"

I said "Yes I do!"

And now Drew is answering his own question.

Congratulations to Drew Butler on winning the prestigious Ray Guy Award.

You earned it.

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