On Friday I got back home to Arizona at 5:15 AM. This week we have a bye. So on Friday and Saturday afternoon I was on the golf course trying to relax.
Sunday morning as I was waiting for the NFL games to begin I started working on some of my consulting projects.
Every couple of weeks I like to check the NFL and NCAA statistics to see how some of my punting and kicking students are doing. After 7 games Drew Butler, University of Georgia punter is still leading the Nation with a 49.3 Yard Punting Average and hoping to set a new NCAA record.
Drew Butler working Drop Progression Drill
As I reviewed the rest of the punting stats I noticed that two more of my One on One punting specialists had now moved up into the Top 10 NCAA Punting Stats.

Baylor University Punter Derek Epperson
Derek Epperson after seven games is now ranked 3rd in the nation in punting with a 46.09 yard average on 32 punts. Derek came to Fountain Hills, Arizona this Spring to work on this technique and improve his fundamentals.
Derek is a big strong good looking punter that has a big upside. During his time here I taught him my Drop Progression and One Step Drills. When I checked with him this summer he said his time in Arizona was well worth the trip.

Derek Epperson & Coach Zauner
As I moved down the list of punters I noticed that University of Wisconsin sophomore punter, Brad Nortman was now ranked 10th in the nation.
I have been working with Brad for the last two years on his fundamentals and drills. Brad had attended Chris Sailors kicking camps and it paid dividends in helping him get a scholarship.
Brad mentioned that at these competition and ranking camps he showed everyone he had a strong leg but admitted he never learned very much at these camps about fundamentals or technique.

Brad Nortman working his Drop Drill
It was actually rather ironic that as I was writing this blog I received a phone call from Mr. Hankins. His son Trevor Hankins is a walk-on punter at Arizona State and lives here in Scottsdale, Arizona. He mentioned that Trevor after yesterdays game is now ranked 2nd in the nation in punting.
He mentioned that Trevor was pretty much self taught and wanted to know where I give lessons and some information about my One on One Punting Lessons. He is going to talk to his son tonight. My suggestion and he agreed was that his son should wait until after the season to do any tweaking.
I wish all the guys the best of luck the rest of the season!
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