Cory played college football at Occidental College and was a two-time D3 All-American selection. In 2005 he led all collegiate punters in average punt distance.
Cory attended Ray Pelfrey's Professional Kicking Camp in Reno the past couple years. Recently through a couple of other kicking specialists he heard about my One on One Punting Lessons and my successful 2009 Coach Zauner's Free Agent Specialists Combine. He decided to give me a call and have another set of eyes look at his technique.
Cory is about 6'3 and 225 pounds. He is a good looking athlete. He is a former high school and collegiate football player and golfer.
In Cory's first lesson I could see he has NFL potential. He hit a bunch of good power zone punts with good to excellent hang times.
However, as he continued to punt I noticed a couple of flaws in his technique. I pointed them out to him on the field. Later in the video review the flaws became crystal clear to him on the slow motion video.
Cory is a student of the punting game and agreed with my evaluation. He realized that he had implemented a couple of new drills in the last couple weeks and they were having an adverse effect on his punting technique.
I watched his highlight video and asked him "who is this punting on this video?" He replied, me. I said that's not the same guy I saw punt on the field a couple of hours ago.
Later in the day Cory and I played 18 holes of golf at my club, 'FireRock'. I continued the One on One Lesson. For all the people that have played me and follow my golf matches, I can only say I am still undefeated. Perfecto! Cory lost and paid his $1.00 bet.
The second day we worked my 'Drop Progression and One Step Drills'. Cory was a quick study and started to turn over almost every punt. He progressed through the entire lesson. He could see the adjustment we made were working.
Cory said he was glad that he got a chance to work with me and believes I helped him get back on track with his punting.
It was a pleasure meeting and working with Cory and I believe if he gets his fundamentals down he will be in some body's camp next year. I wish him the best of luck in his pursuit of an NFL punting career.
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