Last week Jon Ryan came to Scottsdale, Arizona after being release by the Green Bay Packers and out of work. Last night Jon called and told me he was going to sign a contract with the Seattle Seahawks.
It's funny how that all works in the NFL. NFL stands for 'NOT FOR LONG'!
Jon said he flew to Seattle on Monday morning and worked out that afternoon. He said, "Coach I had a great workout session with the coaching staff, their going to sign me and I want to thank you for all your help!"
Jon was in Scottsdale last week for two days of One on One punting lessons. I introduced Jon to my One Step Drill and we worked on some basic fundamentals.
Jon left on Saturday knowing exactly what to work on but more importantly his confidence was renewed.
I basically told him the talent I saw in him and the ability he has to be a great punter and I felt he had one of the strongest legs I had seen throughout my coaching and consulting career.
Confidence is everything to an athlete.
Go to www.coachzauner.com, and view the September 6th Coach Zauner's Blog entry to view my One on One Punting Lesson with Jon Ryan and listen to Jon's testimonial.
Congratulations to Jon Ryan, Seattle Seahawks new punter!
Stay tuned to more of Coach Zauner's Blog!
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